ISARP 2024

Buffalo, NY, United States
September 18th-20th, 2024


Celebrating 42 years of interest groups, international symposia, and meetings.

Click to register for ISARP 2024

ISARP 2024 registration fees (for ISARP members):
Early bird registration (until August 15th): $200
Regular registration (after August 15th): $250
Reduced student registration fee: $100

This year's ISARP Conference will be held in Buffalo, NY from 1pm on Wednesday September 18th until Friday September 20th (2:30pm) at the historic Richardson Hotel.

Conference Program: While the program is still being finalized, we are pleased to announce our three stellar keynote speakers whose brief bios can be found below.

Conference Activities: In addition to our traditional welcome cocktail party (Wednesday) and group dinner (Thursday), we can facilitate an optional trip to Niagara Falls either before or after the meeting for those of you who have never experienced their beauty! We can help with transportation options and lodging at the falls for those who are interested.

Lodging: We have blocked 20 rooms at the Richardson Hotel at the reduced rate of $199 (mention ISARP when booking) which will be held up until 60 days before the conference date, but you are free to book at other nearby hotels also. As your local hosts, Kim, Betsy, or Bruce can provide further information on lodging and local travel if needed. We look forward to seeing you in Buffalo! Deadline for room reservations at the reduced rate is July 24, 2024.

ISARP 2024 Program Committee

Bruce Miller and Betsy Wood (chairs)

Kim Arcoleo, Jon Feldman, Sarah Miller, and Paul Lehrer

Kathleen Oare Lindell, PhD, RN,ATSF, FAAN

Associate Professor and the Mary Swain Endowed Chair in Palliative Care Health in the Medical University of South Carolina College of Nursing with a joint appointment in the College of Medicine. 

Expertise: Family and patient based interventions to improve quality of care in patients with advanced pulmonary disease

Dr. Lindell’s research has focused on promoting palliative care knowledge and preparedness to improve the quality of life for patients with advanced lung disease, specifically Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis (IPF) and their family caregivers. As a result of her work, she developed a nurse-led palliative care intervention entitled “A Program of SUPPORT™” for patients with IPF and their caregivers and has advanced this to other advanced lung diseases, including progressive pulmonary fibrosis (PPF) and advanced chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).

Mara Mather, PhD

Professor of Gerontology, Psychology, and Biomedical Engineering at University of Southern California

Expertise: Neuroscience, Emotion, Cognition

Dr. Mather’s research involves investigating how to improve autonomic function in aging to enhance brain function and cognition. Current evidence suggests that older adults have an overactive sympathetic nervous system.  She will present findings of studies examining whether breathing interventions can increase parasympathetic activity and enhance brain function in older adults.


Elke Vlemincx, PhD

Assistant Professor, Department of Health Sciences, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam

Expertise: respiratory psychophysiology, breathing patterns, dysfunctional breathing, stress regulation, emotion 

Dr. Vlemincx’s research interests focus on psychophysiological processes underlying mental health and wellbeing. In part of her research, she studies the role of functional and dysfunctional breathing patterns in stress and emotion regulation, psychophysiological flexibility and resilience, interoception and symptom perception. In light of dysfunctional breathing and associated symptoms related to COVID-19, the debate about dysfunctional breathing has been recently revived. Dr. Vlemincx will present current theories on dysfunctional breathing and findings in support of dysfunctional breathing as a potential transdiagnostic factor related to stress and anxiety in chronic disease.



Would you like to present your research at ISARP 2024?  

We invite you to submit your work as an individual presentation (poster or talk) and/or thematic symposium. We encourage submissions from researchers at all career stages.

The deadline for “late breaking” abstract submission is August 15th, 2024.

All submissions will be reviewed by the members of the Organizing Committee. Notification of acceptance decisions will be emailed to corresponding authors by mid-July.  

Click here to submit your abstract


Abstract submission guidelines 

We welcome two types of abstract submissions:

  • Individual presentation (talk or poster): Presenting new findings based on quantitative and/or qualitative data that have been collected and analysed.
    Preliminary work, new theoretical contributions, or new experimental set-ups will be considered too.  

  • Thematic symposium: A focused session providing an in-depth perspective on an active research area within the broad field of respiratory psychophysiology.
    Symposium submissions should include at least one chair and three to five presenters. 

Abstracts should be submitted through the online submission portal. When preparing an abstract, please follow the instructions below: 

  1. For an individual presentation, please submit an abstract of up to 250 words. Abstracts should be written in English and structured into
    Background, Methods, Results, and Discussion. 

  1. For a thematic symposium, please submit a general description of the symposium (up to 250 words) as well as abstracts for all the individual talks,
    each with a maximum of 250 words. The abstracts for the talks should be structured into Background, Methods, Results, and Discussion. 

For all submission types: 

  • The corresponding author must be identified when submitting an abstract. The corresponding author who submits an abstract is responsible
    for forwarding all received information to other authors.  

  • Proofread your submission! Please ensure your abstract does not contain spelling, grammar, or scientific mistakes,
    as it will be reproduced exactly as submitted. 

  • All accepted abstracts will be published in Biological Psychology as proceeds of the Meeting.


Abstracts including students as main presenters should indicate this in the abstract submission to ensure
eligibility for the Best Student Presentation award and Student Travel award.